Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sony VAIO hunt

semalam kudozu ada kasi aku link ke game VAIO hunt contest ni. kau kene jawab a few questions, dan kene dapat passport untuk jawab soalan batu. dan kalau dapat jawab semua (kot) kita akan stand a chance utk menang 1 VAIO CR. since aku ni sucker kepada barang-barang Sony, dan sucker jugak kepada barang free. aku pon join la. jadi, aku post link tu kat sini dengan harapan dapat passport untuk dapat soalan baru.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Logical Fallacy

tadi aku tengok nightline. pak lah diinterview pasal ada dakwaan yang wujudnya konspirasi terhadap DSAI. "Tak ada konspirasi. Tak usah percaya" (aku pun tak ingat sangat ayat die exactly, tapi ni lebey kureng la ape pak lah ckp) bengong.. orang tuduh kau yg buat konspirasi. sah-sah la kau cakap takde konspirasi. takde bukti nak menyangkal, takde statement yang meyakinkan, cuma kata takde konspirasi. hmmm... well, that reminds me of a very interesting topic of Logical Fallacy. aku curik desciption ni dari Conservapedia. all credit kepada penulis dia.

"A logical fallacy is an error in logical reasoning. While the common usage of the word fallacy would include any error in reasoning, in logic a fallacy is defined at a particularly deceptive argument which seems correct, but upon further examination is found to be incorrect.

A logical fallacy is not the same as lying. A lie in logic is a premise that one offers while knowing that it is false."

dan statement pak lah seperti yang di atas tu termasuk dalam kategori

Proof by assertion

"Proof by assertion is an argument that states something as true without offering supporting evidence or attempting to construct a valid argument. This form of argument follows the form:

Mr A claims that P is true. Therefore P is true

Often the argument is simply repeated over and over, and no evidence for support is given."

translationnya ialah, if you spew enough bullshit over and over again, people will start believing your bullshit. very interesting.. siap ada lagi sub-category lagi macam "Circular reasoning", "Infinite regression", "Manufacturing facts from a theory", "Your theory does not work under my theory, so your theory must be wrong" . waaaa... sangat menarik. every single day is a new discovery..

oh, and pak lah tanpa segan silu menunjukkan kejahilannya. ada reporter tny, knp xpakai sample DNA DSAI yang dulu tu, ms zaman die kene tuduh liwat kali pertama dulu. pak lah ckp, tu sample lama, kena la ambik sample yang baru.

haaaaaaa?!! hellooo! it's DNA okay, bukan sample air kencing. kalau sample air kencing mungkin la bole berubah2 seperti pasir di pantai. ni DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid. blueprint genetik yang unik bg setiap individu. benda yang xkan berubah dr saat seseorang tu lahir sampai die mati. genetic instruction yang digunakan untuk buat klon. ape la bezanye sample DNA DSAI dulu dgn sekarang? lucu sungguh la pak lah ni. bole masuk raja lawak lepas ni. kan dulu dah analyze DNA sample tu, pakai je la result yang dulu tu, jadikan evidence.

aku ada 2 teori dalam hal ni. samada sample yang dulu tu dah kena tukar, dan dia nak sample betul sekarang. ataupun sample yang dulu betul, tapi dia nak sample DNA sekarang sebab dia nak tukar. hmmm.. conspiracy theory la pulak. tapi in any case, something smells fishy..

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